Where To Start

Book A Tour
We invite you to come visit the Seguin Beauty School campus! Let us show you around and introduce you to some of the learning resources and tools you will be working with. Come see our modern facilities where you’ll learn all the skills you need to know to be a successful cosmetologist.

Meet The Team
You will get to meet with the Seguin Beauty School team and speak with our dedicated educators. Most importantly, you’ll get to see what the fun day to day activities are all about. We will introduce you to the School Salon where we offer guest services to your family and friends at discounted prices. You will get to see our Salon Sessions Studio where you’ll learn the latest technical skills and our Theory Classroom where all the coursework is delivered in an easy to understand manner.

Finance & Tuition
Call and set up a financial aid appointment! A Seguin Beauty School finance specialist will go over all the options such as “no interest” school financing, student aid programs, and educational assistance. Before you leave the appointment at Seguin Beauty School, you should know how much it will cost you and when you can start school. Best of all, most students start school with less than a $400 down payment.